Teaching Style

I have created a systematic learning system for students, this is not like other Chinese teachers, who just find a book and teach from it. I have wishes for my students, the students need to achieve certain levels at specific stages. Like playing the piano, students need to know their levels. Similarly this applies to my courses, the lessons are all systematically designed to reach the European language teaching standards and UK Chinese teaching and testing requirements (e.g. GCSE Chinese, A level). My lesson design contains a main focus and a side focus. The main focus is to help students achieve the curriculum standards, whilst the side focus contains such things like stories, culture, idioms to broaden their horizons.

I provide tailored courses, design systematic study plans for individuals to improve their language skills, based on their abilities, strengths and weaknesses. The beginning level of Chinese appears very easy for Mandarin speaking parents but not for children, so please be patient and cooperate with my methods, do not over teach your kids at home. It is important to realise that the Chinese can be considered a secondary language for your children, therefore, the way to build up their knowledge is different from what the parents are used to.

In the beginning, for children, it is important to establish a habit for them to effectively learn a secondary language, as long as they can keep the consistency and carry on, they will have a solid foundation compared with those students who have some basic knowledge but lack a solid systematic method of progression especially for reading and writing Chinese characters. Every little step counts, I really care about my students’ learning and improving their abilities, so that one day they can build up their Chinese language skills by themselves.